Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Day Four

Dear Emmett,

We got to hold you for the first time today. You've begun to slow your breathing down, though not yet to the point where you can come off the CPAP machine. It was a wonderful experience to hold you in my arms. I could feel your little body working to breathe as I cradled you in my hand. You gave me a bit of a scare when one of your leads popped off and the monitors lost your heartbeat. But the nurse came in and fixed everything back up for you. I only got to hold you for about 20 minutes, but I could've stared at your face for hours.

You also started to digest the food the nurses have been giving you, and that is a great sign. You still have a feeding tube, and likely will for a while yet. When the nurse checked your tummy, there was very little left, so she was able to give you a full syringe of new milk.

Mommy is still at the hospital tonight, but I had to come home to stay with the dogs. I miss you so much. I know it is going to be hard when your Mom comes home tomorrow and you won't just be an elevator ride away. I am glad, though, that we live very close to where you are staying and can come visit whenever we like. I will see you tomorrow and I can't wait.


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